The new family member

Today we picked up our new family member, a Springadoor that is yet to be named.

Having seen an advert in the paper for the puppies the wife subjected me to no end of questions relating to the logistics of going to see and get a puppy. They were questions that she could of easily answered if she had the `Make a decision` plugin installed! FFS

After arranging to go see the puppies we drive and meet the breeder. The puppies were in a big kennel with each other, 5 in total. The 2 that were for sale were picked out and given to us – a boy and a girl.

They were running around with mum and dad, who had now been let in with us, not at all bothered that 4 strangers were in with them. Our youngest was sat on the floor playing with them when one of the puppies came up to him, sat next to him and put its head on his leg. At that point the decision to a) have one and b) which one would we have, was made for us.

I reluctantly handed over my hard saved money in return for the puppy. Not only was it the money that I was putting towards my Surface RT tablet but it was also not the first time I have given money for a puppy!!!

The kids, and more importantly (so im told), the wife were beyond happy.

As part of the `deal` of us getting another dog, it is down to me to choose a name for her.
I formulated a few in my mind and suggested it as we drove home. The name Shurd being the one that I liked the most, and of course one that no one else did!

There is no rush to name her yet, well as far as I’m concerned anyway but the wife, the kids, the family and the in-laws don’t however agree with me.

Here she is …

Me and the new mutt The mutt The boys and the mutt

UPDATE – she has a name now – Muddy.

TechNet Subscriptions

Microsoft have decided to retire their TechNet Subscription service

I signed the “Continue TechNet or create an affordable alternative to MSDN” petition to show my support for keeping the Microsoft TechNet Subscription service going.

As an IT Professional I use the software a hell of a lot to test things out and set up test environments. Some environments I have had going for well in excess of a year and having to rebuild them regularly would be a right pain to say the least!

I don’t know any fellow IT Pro’s that could afford an MSDN subscription to match the TechNet one.

If you are a TechNet Subscriber then sign the petition and show your support for keeping it going.

Microsoft, please continue the TechNet Subscription Service.

Thank you

Do you ever wish that you never….?

An odd day today, one of those days that I kind of wish I could forget.

I kind of stumbled onto something that I have been trying not to stumble upon. While looking at some things on the net, I deviated from my normal looking pattern and found said thing. It kind of got me as it was tucked away with something and I wasn’t expecting it to be there.

I was properly shocked at what I saw, not because of the content as such, more a result of the content. I wasn’t banking on how it made me feel as it is not something that I was ever expecting to see – I guess the past few months might have given me some kind of inkling that this might have happened?!

Looks like I have to add this to the other things that I have experienced that I will never be able to forget.

I see faces

A conversation with the silver fox today, quiet a strange one, left me thinking that he might need to get his medication looked at.

It started off with him borrowing a wet tile cutter from PBM earlier in the day. He neglected to make sure that there was a blade in the machine to cut the tiles! Not a good start.

Then he set about cutting some tiles to put in to his new walk in bathroom. Upon cutting the first tile he noticed that when it got wet there was a mark resembling a face on the tile?! WTF is he taking the piss?

Not being content with that unusual unique design, he put all the tiles back in his car and took them back to the shop, stating to the customer services rep that he could see faces! The rep must have taken pity on him and seen that something wasn’t right, and said he could change them all. The Silver Fox did say that he didn’t want the tiles in case there were more `faces looking at him`.

I wasted no time at all in informing the Kent connection of the situation, who came up with what I can only describe as a to the point and factual observation of the event
“What a knob head”
I don’t think that either of us had laughed so much, I thought he was going to choke and die!

In all fairness, I think I need to put across The Silver Fox’s point here, if that is at all possible, so I have tried to replicate, to the best of my knowledge and ability, the faces he said he could see in the tiles!? I will update this entry when I have managed to get such detail.

Online Retailer Account Violated

Cant believe I have had to do this 🙁

Recently I violated one of my Online Retailer accounts with a purchase of what I can only describe as an `Old Lady Trolley`. I seem to have been the only mug that was willing to order it on my account and have it delivered to me.

Thankfully it arrived in plain brown wrapping, along with several other items that I had ordered, so no one could see it. Shit, imagine the embarrassment of the postman going –
“Hello Mr Rice, I have an Old Lady Trolley for you, can you sign here”
to which I would of said
“Get the fuck out, I aint ordered that shit. Some one must be playing a prank on me!!!!!”

I quickly hid the bloody thing and said nothing to anyone other than the person that it was intended for, too many people knowing is a situation that I didn`t want to be in.

Just to share my concerns with everyone, this is the offending item


You see what I mean?

Anyway, no more of that shit, next time I order something it will be female clothes, as there is less embarrassment with those!

8 hours of playing with Lego

Today was a rare day, not only a week off but the whole day with the boys, just me and them.

They decided that they wanted to play Lego and H needed to build up his Star Wars Lego ships that he had smashed up and T had just got a huge box of lego from Grandad! Curse that white haired old fool!!

So, we set about rebuilding various Star Wars Lego ships, which was not that easy when there were 11 boxes of Lego with each box containg a random selection of colours, sizes and shapes!
To add to the fun we decided not to sort it all out, but instead we thought spending nearly 2 hours looking for one small flat angled piece 1 square by 1 square!!

As a result of trying to find that bit, we tipped 3 boxes of Lego out on to the landing and into H`s bedroom! As you can see from the picture below


By the end of the day I was crippled, by back and my knees were killing me. Its not easy to play with Lego all day, especially when your over 40 and kneeling down all the time.
But the boys enjoyed a day of Daddy time and to be honest I enjoyed a day of knee knackering, back breaking Lego playing with the boys.

SCCM 2012, PowerShell and Printer Share Creation

Today I wrote a couple of quick PowerShell Scripts to get shared printers from all computers on the domain, and another one to take the data returned and use it in an OSD Task in SCCM 2012 to create the shares printers when we deploy Windows 7.

The first script is as follows

# By Gary Rice
# V1 - 14/05/2013
# Printer information for import needs to be as follows
# $Printers = "HP LaserJet 4250 PCL6","Kyocera FS-1030D KX"
# $Computers = "MININT-HJ0UIN4","MININT-LR30CVS"
# $Sharenames = "MININT-HJ0UIN4-HPLJ4250","MININT-LR30CVS-FS1030D"

$OutPut = ""

$NL = [Environment]::NewLine
$FileName = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"
$Filename += ".txt"
$C = ""
$Pstring = "`$Printers = "
$Cstring = "`$Computers = "
$Sstring = "`$Share = "

$OutPut += "Computer,Printer Name,Printer Driver,Printer Share Name" + $NL
$OU = "OU=Desktop Computers,DC=test,DC=internal,DC=snowey,DC=com"
$DomainComputers = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $OU -Filter `*` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

foreach($Computer in $DomainComputers)
    if(!(Test-Connection -Cn $Computer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet))
        $OutPut += $Computer + "," + "Error" + $NL
        $Printers = get-wmiobject -computername $Computer -query "select * from win32_printer"
        foreach ($Printer in $Printers)
            if($Printer.Shared -eq "True")
                $OutPut += $Computer + "," + $ + "," + $Printer.drivername + "," + $Printer.ShareName + $NL
                $Pstring += $C + "`"" + $Printer.drivername + "`""
                $Cstring += $C + "`"" + $Computer + "`""
                $Sstring += $C + "`"" + $Printer.ShareName + "`""
                $C = ","

$FilenameFN ="Computers-Printers-" + $Filename
$Output | Out-File $Env:Temp$FileNameFN
Invoke-Expression $Env:Temp$FileNameFN

$OutPut = $Pstring + $NL + $Cstring + $NL + $Sstring
$FilenameFN ="Computers-printers-OSD-String" + $Filename
$Output | Out-File $Env:Temp$FileNameFN
Invoke-Expression $Env:Temp$FileNameFN

It’s not very complex, it just goes off and gets all the computers in a specific OU, checks that are active then loops through all the printers and if any are shared it saves the computer name, printer driver name and share name to file. I had to use printer driver name as the Printer name was not always accurate or what it should be due to historical renaming.

Then, the script that I included in the OSD Task Sequence was

# By Gary Rice
 # V1.1 - 15/05/2013
 # Uses `Shared Printers on Domain Computers.PS1` to generate data
 # To be run as part of SCCM 2012 OSD Task

$Count = 0
 $Printers = "HP LaserJet 4250 PCL6","Kyocera FS-1030D KX"
 $Computers = "MININT-HJ0UIN4","MININT-LR30CVS"
 $Shares = "MININT-HJ0UIN4-HPLJ4250","MININT-LR30CVS-HPLJ4250"

foreach ($Computer in $Computers)
 if ($Computer -eq $env:computername)
 $TargetPrinters = get-wmiobject -computername $Computers[$count] -query "select * from win32_printer"
 foreach ($Printer in $TargetPrinters)
 if ($ -eq $Printers[$Count])
 $Printer.shared = $true
 $Printer.sharename = $Shares[$Count]
 $Count += 1

Again very simple, it takes an array of computers (printer names and share names) and loops through them until it finds a match. It then loops through all the printers on the local machine until it finds one that matches Printer Driver and then it creates the share.

There might be a different / easier way of doing this, but when you need something quick.

Hopefully someone might find them useful (or not).

Diet, dadfat and a department treat

Today I decided to treat myself to one last treat before I start my diet.

I managed to get hold of a huge Jaffa Cake Cake! using my connections and as a treat for the department I thought I would take it in and share – well I say share, I was contemplating eating it all myself at lunch time.

Only one Jaffa Cake for me

It reminded me of one of the few good times at BOR, where we would have a cake rota and take it in turns bringing in cakes every Friday. There were some lovely ones, ones with chocolate in them, some more with chocolate in them, some other ones with chocolate in them, some different ones with chocolate in them, some unique ones with chocolate in them and the odd ones with nuts in them!! WTF There was also the time that someone decided to hijack the cake rota and bring in fruit! WTF! Not fruit covered in chocolate, not fruit with a chocolate fountain, not fruit with a bowl of sugar but fruit on its own! And then there was the gag about someone dropping their muffin!
How I miss those days with Patsy and her wine bottles, Muffin Lady and her digestives and Haribo`s, Rfer and his shrine and The Hacker with his lady friends!

Anyway, a very nice cake indeed, I will make sure that I bring one of them in again at some point as it was one of the best cakes I have had!! I will however have to say FRO to the diet!

Job Dodging – the new Workalergic

Today I stumbled upon, or rather was subjected to, a novel way of `Job Dodging`.

In par with `Workalergic` from the good old days (may they Rest In Peace), this was one unique way of getting out of doing any work.

It got me thinking, could I write some code to look at incoming requests and to reject them based on certain criteria? I could call in Project Job Dodging, or to use its highly secretive TLA codeword – PJD!

PJD could check for past issues in relation to the current incoming request and reject if there was found to be a link back.
PJD could check for the instigator of the incoming request against a black list of known previous trouble makers and reject if there was any kind of match.
PJD could check the time the incoming request was received against a complex matrix of maintenance windows and reject the incoming request if a match was found.
PJD could examine the audit trail of the incoming request against a very strict rule and location based criteria and if any deviation from complex predefined rules was found the incoming request would be rejected.
PJD could check the requirements of the incoming request against yet another complex matrix of skill sets and reject it if a mis match was found.

I will go away and ponder on that request, as im sure I could code that quiet easily, I just need to make sure that I get all the correct matrix and lists that are needed. Hmmmmmm

Dodgy Recruitment

Today I had the pleasure! Of dealing with a long standing issue – a dodgy recruitment company!

When I was made redundant, I signed up with quite a few sites etc. so that I could get back into work asap. Most of the sites I signed up with played by the rules but one company (or 2 as it now looks like) did not! Well actually I never signed up with them.

This is how it went…

First email was sent after I cancelled all my subscriptions and notified everyone that I no longer wanted emails

17/01/2012 – 4 Emails from Raymond Maccann – ok ill let them have that one as maybe the part time pensioner updating their database hasn’t come across the fact that I don’t want any more emails.

26/01/2012 – 2 emails from James McJarrow.  So I emailed James asking him to remove me from the database, also cc’d info@ and resource@ as valid emails addresses that I found on their website. The email bounced back with James McJarrow unknown? Strange as he had just sent me an email!?

15/02/2013 – 2 more emails from James McJarrow again! For a job in Aberdeen, FFS do they not read the areas where people live? I sent a reply asking who I need to speak to so that I can get more information about the job. This time it went through and I got a response saying it was him I need to speak to. No really! I asked him to remove me from the database. Nothing back

22/02/2012 – 2 more emails from James McJarrow again! This guy is obviously missing something up top! I let these 2 emails slide as maybe the now less than part time pensioner was on annual leave or something like that.

14/03/2012 – 2 more emails from the first spammer, Raymond Mancann (send spam emails) or it that Raymond Maccant (remove me from the database). Again for a job that didn’t mention any of the skill that I have! I sent an email asking him to remove me from the database. Again nothing. At this point I checked what I had sent in case I had sent a typo, you know it should say `Please remove me from your database` when in fact I typed `Please keep sending me shit emails as all though I am now in work I was only joking when I previously asked you to remove me from your database`
I am now sure that the database is an Excel Spreadsheet that has been replicated in several folders on their network and home computers, and are all out of sync, which is why my requests have fallen on deaf ears (no offence to part time pensioner).

14/06/2012 – 1 email from David Christian. I really thought they had listened to me and removed me as it has been months. But nice to see yet another new name sending me spam emails again. I need a macro key set up for this next bit [Reply to email, type `Please remove me from your database. Thank you. Gary` Press send]. So I recorded that and sent the resulting email. Again nothing!

25/06/2012 – 2 emails from David Christian. This time I pressed my Hot Key combination, G+F+Y, linked to the macro that sends a `Please remove me……` email. Surprisingly I get no response!
I now add a filter to my web hosting to reject anything that comes from and set it to send back a message asking to be removed from the database, and also forward the email to an archive so that I can collect evidence for a case with the ICO.

23/01/2013 – 2 emails from Catherine McAteer, who appears to be the Office Manager. Maybe she will take note of the rejection message and remove me.

08/02/2013 – 2 emails from Mychelle Matson, who appears to be a Senior Resourcer. As the Office Manager hasn’t removed me from the database maybe she can. You know, I’m not convinced that the database is an Excel spreadsheet, I think maybe it must all be on a huge Word Document which the, now 1 hours a week, part time pensioner is struggling to cope with.

27/02/2013 – 1 email from Nathan Moring, another new person, who is Senior Consultant, maybe he will be able to read the auto response and remove me. I doubt it! I have nor removed the auto response and will handle them in a more aggressive way.

07/03/2013 – 2 emails from Nathan Moring. This time I have had enough, so I compose a lengthy email to him and send, basically saying that I will report him for spamming.
Email trail is below

Hi Gary,

I’ve removed you from our database.

Kind regards,

On 07/03/2013 15:59, “Gary Rice” wrote:


Again, I find myself getting emails from
Please remove my email address from your company’s database so that I do not hear from you or any of your colleagues again.

I have never given you permission to use or email me.

I class these emails as spam and will report them to the originating ip address owner ( –

inetnum: –
netname:        RSPC-UK-Steve-Jennings
descr:          Steve-Jennings IP Space
country:        GB
admin-c:        IA247-RIPE
tech-c:         IA247-RIPE
remarks:        rev-srv:
status:         ASSIGNED PA
mnt-by:         RSPC-MNT
source:         RIPE #Filtered
remarks:        rev-srv attribute deprecated by RIPE NCC on 02/09/2009
person:         IP Admin
address:        Rackspace Hosting 5000 Walzem, San Antonio, Texas 78218
phone:          +1 210 312 4000
fax-no:         +1 210 312 4000
nic-hdl:        IA247-RIPE
remarks:         ###  Rackspace Abuse Department
remarks:         ###  Please send any complaints to the following:
remarks:         ###  abuse @
mnt-by:         RSPC-MNT
source:         RIPE #Filtered

If this request is not dealt with and confirmed within 5 working days I will be submitting a case to the ICO (

Thank you


From: Nathan Moring
Sent: 07 March 2013 15:12
To: Gary Rice
Subject: Linux Expert / Systems Engineer required, Luton

Good Afternoon Gary,

RE: Linux Systems Engineer required, Luton; £45-50K plus 10% bonus:

Worldwide IT solutions provider currently seeks an experienced Linux Systems Engineer to join their expanding UK headquarters located in Bedfordshire.

Acting as a subject matter expert for all technologies associated with server hosting, specifically those running Linux OS, the Linux Systems Engineer will be responsible for the development and maintenance of standardised configurations for all related technologies and for ensuring high-levels of performance and availability are delivered for associated services from their datacenter locations.

The Linux Systems Engineer will be accountable for ensuring all Linux based server environments achieve the best possible availability and performance, and for maintaining standard practices on specification, configuration and management of the Linux infrastructure. You`ll troubleshoot performance issues on web servers and databases, and be involved in the development of detailed best practice configuration, architecture schematics and relevant standard operating procedures. In addition, your role will extend to Data Center Service operations, Supplier Management and Resource optimisation.

The right Linux Systems Engineer will have solid datacenter experience, working with Linux server (including Apache & MySQL), SAN (including FC & iSCSI switching) and TCP/IP networking. In addition, if you have any experience of Windows server (including cluster services, IIS web server config/management), VMWare ESX or Vsphere, SaaS or cloud networking then it would be beneficial.

This is a superb opportunity for any experienced Linux Systems Engineer looking for a new role. If you`re interested and would like to apply please send me your CV asap.

Kind regards,

Nathan Moring
Senior Consultant

Gregory James Group
a 6 windsor works I sedley place I venn street I london I sw4 0ax
t 020 7078 9300 f 0870 013 6381 m 07985 524 770


This e-mail (which includes any files transmitted with it) is intended for the above named only. It may contain privileged, confidential and/or price sensitive information. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately and confirm that all copies have been destroyed and it has been deleted from your computer system. This e-mail is protected by copyright. Unless you are the intended recipient you should not use, disclose or copy the e-mail nor should you rely upon it in any way whatsoever. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Gregory James.

Scanned by The Email Laundry


At last, I have been removed from their database!!

03/05/2013 – An email from Michelle Herrington-Smith. She is reportedly from Now you might think she is not part of The Gregory James group but looking at the emails, and a pretty poor one at that – she called me Gregory (Gregory as in Gregory James??), makes spelling mistakes and then uses multiple fonts and no formatting to get the job description across! Seriously!
Towards the bottom of the email I noticed the same address as the Gregory James Group and a website copyright of the Gregory James Group!
So I send yet another email to Michelle Herringbone-Smiff asking to be removed, but with a bit more of a warning.
After a short email conversation, Mabel finally said that she had removed me from the database. Coincidentally I am now 99.9% sure that the database is not a database,  Excel Spreadsheet or Word Document, but is in fact a VisiCalc Document!
Anyway, here is the email trail.

I have gladly removed your details on Tuesday as you say 2 working days

Sent from my iPhone

On 9 May 2013, at 07:20, “Gary Rice” wrote:


I do not think that trying to remove my details from your database, or collecting data for reporting your emailing practices is a waste of time.

But, thank you so much for confirming that my details are in fact on your system, not only that but with incorrect details.

Given that the 2 days stated have passed and you have not supplied me with the requested proof that I gave you permission to email me, it leaves me no choice but to submit my case to the ICO

There is also the issue of Data Protection, given that I have not given Gregory James Group permission to email me, I find my details now in your hands. There are very strict rules about that.

I will also be reporting your spamming to your ISP provider.


inetnum: –
remarks:        *******************************************************
remarks:        * Please send abuse reports to *
remarks:        *******************************************************
remarks:        *******************************************************
netname:        BT-ADSL
descr:          Single Static IP Addresses
country:        GB
admin-c:        BTOW1-RIPE
tech-c:         BTOW1-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED PA
mnt-by:         BTNET-MNT
mnt-lower:      BTNET-MNT
mnt-routes:     BTNET-MNT
source:         RIPE # Filtered

address:        BT
address:        Openworld
address:        UK
admin-c:        AA12126-RIPE
tech-c:         AA12126-RIPE
nic-hdl:        BTOW1-RIPE
mnt-by:         BTNET-MNT
source:         RIPE # Filtered

descr:          BT Public Internet Service
origin:         AS2856
mnt-by:         BTNET-MNT
source:         RIPE # Filtered

Again, and I do not ask the impossible, please remove my details from all databases that you have, it’s not that difficult to do.

Lastly, as I have not seen any objection to including you and your company in my blog post, I take that as “Yes”, so thank you, I will start writing that now.


P.S. A couple of links for you to look at when you have a few minutes after you spammed people

From: Michelle Herrington-Smith
Sent: 07 May 2013 13:07
To: Gary Rice
Subject: RE: Application Support Specialist-London/Middlesex £30-£40k


How funny?  It states on our database that you live at our office

You must be an office ghost of the past

Please do not waste any more of my time

From: Gary Rice
Sent: 03 May 2013 17:30
To: Michelle Herrington-Smith
Subject: RE: Application Support Specialist-London/Middlesex £30-£40k


Firstly who is Gregory?

If he is part of the Gregory James Group, as your Telephone Number and Website would indicate, then I have requested, more times than I care to count, that I be removed from your database.

I was assured by Nathan, see attached email, that I had been removed. As detailed on the email I class these emails as spam and will pursue my case with the ICO

I request that you supply me within 2 working days, the proof that I have signed up for or given you permission to send me emails.

Secondly, very nice use of multiple fonts and minimal formatting in your email below, it really makes it look professional quality. It will be something that I might be posting a blog entry about very soon, so I hope you do not mind a personal mention for you and your company/group of companies.

I look forward to receiving the information requested.

Gary Rice

From: Michelle Herrington-Smith
Sent: 03 May 2013 16:52
To: Gary Rice
Subject: Application Support Specialist-London/Middlesex £30-£40k


Application Support Specilalst         London/Middlesex      £30,000-£40,000 Excellent Benefits Package

Customer Application Support Specialist required for well established Software Company based in London. The role will involve Delivering outstanding support experience to their customers, finding solutions to the problems, thinking analytically and working with other members of the Customer Support team to enhance product knowledge and resolve difficult systems. Ensuring that Calls and customer are updated regularly and as per agreed SLA. Experience of problem Solving, Troubleshooting while dealing with complex and critical incidents, have experience of call logging systems, please mention what call logging systems you have used when sending your CV. Good working knowledge of windows Operating systems, managing users and services rights. Experience in Supporting Web Applications ideally ASP.NET Or PHP. Experience of SQL Writing basic SQL Queries, experience with MySQL, or SQL Server or Oracle Databases at administration Level. You will be a team player and can work well under pressure. The company have a fantastic Customer base, this is a great opportunity for someone who wants a career to work in a Support role for the long term. The client offer excellent benefits package Pension, 25 days holiday rising up to 30 days depending on years of service, Private Health care and flexible working. Telephone interviews will be taking place this week and next week. Apply Now!

Have a loveley bank holiday weekend

Michelle Herrington-Smith

PSR Ltd – A leading provider of IT Professionals & Talent Management Solutions
6 Windsor Works I 68a Sedley Place I London I SW4 0AX
t 0203 489 9599 f 020 7627 2352 m 07805 721749 e

This e-mail (which includes any files transmitted with it) is intended for the above named only.  It may contain privileged, confidential and/or price sensitive information. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately and confirm that all copies have been destroyed and it has been deleted from your computer system.  This e-mail is protected by copyright. Unless you are the intended recipient you should not use, disclose or copy the e-mail nor should you rely upon it in any way whatsoever.  All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of PSR Recruitment Ltd.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Scanned by The Email Laundry

Hopefully that is that and I will not be receiving any more emails from them.