Today i received a message on my website, interestingly from someone kind of detailed in one of my blog posts.
The blog post was Dodgy Recruitment which detailed my issues trying to get my details removed from a recruitment company that i never signed up with or wanted any information from.
It was a ridiculous trail of just how stupid things can get and just how much some of these people do not care about peoples personal data.
The message i received was polite and asked me if i could remove my blog post, as it have been over 2 years since it happened and that working practices had changed to put a stop to the issues i had experienced. Apparently my post was finding its way to the top of a search engine – number 2 on Google by the looks of it. While it was good to hear there had been changes, i want the original post to serve as a warning, after all once my email address get used and abused i stand no chance in getting it removed.