Today I set about having a look a look at Server 2012. I wanted to test out a website that I had written in .Net 2.0 and convert it to run on a newer version and generally have a play with its interaction with the OS.
Installing .Net 4 went ok, so I thought I’d add .Net 3.5
I added the feature, and installed only to be greeted with the error ‘The source files could not be found’.
That was quickly fixed by looking at a few forums, so I added it again and pointed to where the ‘sources\sxs’ folders was – on the usb key stick that I used to install Server 2012, and installed.
This time it failed with an error message `a component`s file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest`
Another check around yielded quite a few results, one of the most common ones was to run the following command – `dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth`
So I run that. It took a while to come back with no problems.
I copied the ‘sources\sxs’ folder to the root of the C drive, pointed the feature install files there and tried again. Again it gave me the same error.
This time I mounted up the ISO that I had originally downloaded and copied the ‘sources\sxs’ folder from that to a new usb keystick.
I pointed the feature to that folder and run the install again. This time it finished with no problems!?
So, some sort of corruption had happened from when I transferred the ISO to a keystick to install it.
Can’t think of what the hell could have caused that to happen?